Lions Aid for Ukraine
As of 31 January 2022, The district 134 Ukraine includes 29 Lions clubs with 657 members. Concerns are high that a change of government in Ukraine will lead to the same situation for Lions as in Russia. In Russia, foreign NGOs are not welcome and are considered as foreign agents.
In the last few days, Council Chair Robert Günthart and the district governors have received countless e-mails from Lions who want to help. There is a close exchange with the District Governor of D134 Ukraine, Olesya Bukhtiarova as well as the Polish LCIF Coordinator Katarzyna Gebert.
The support of the Lions Organisation Switzerland-Liechtenstein foresees the following procedure:
1. Immediate aid
We will contribute CHF 50,000 from our FLC Foundation to provide emergency aid to Ukrainian refugees. This amount will be made available to LCIF immediately.
2. Donation opportunities
We offer our clubs and members in Switzerland the opportunity to donate funds in favour of the Ukrainian people. Coordination for meaningful projects is coordinated in close cooperation with the Governor of Ukraine as well as the Polish LCIF Coordinator. The donations are passed on 100% and can be deducted from taxes in Switzerland. Corresponding receipts will be provided. The bank details are:
Bank: Credit Suisse, Zürich
Account: Fonds der Lions Clubs des Multi-Districts 102, Weggisgasse 29, 6004 Luzern
IBAN: CH57 0483 5055 4746 8100 0
3. Contingency planning for refugees
We are creating an address pool for Lions who want to help refugees coming to Switzerland. Our GST MD 102 Esther Aepli-Alder will gladly accept all offers in this regard.
We thank all Lions for their support!