Lions Day with the United Nations in pictures
The multiple district celebrates its 75th anniversary in the presence of numerous guests and Lions from around the world, as well as many international figures, including International President Brian Sheehan.The footage shows a social evening at the Hotel Président Wilson, as well as Lions Day with the United Nations at the Human Rights Assembly Hall.
Many thanks to Ralf, who captured the two events in pictures.

Past International President Douglas X. Alexander

CC Egon Steiner speech at celebration dinner, 17 Apr.

Int. President Brian Sheehan at celebration dinner, 17 Apr. 2023

Governor Frédérique d'Agostino, D102W

B. Sheehan awarding Al Brandel

B. Sheehan awarding Anton Hofmann

Lion Darija Auguštan, LEMC Winner

Broken Chair

LDUN Geneva, 18 Apr 2023

Group picture, LDUN Geneva, 18 Apr 2023

Douglas X. Alexander

B. Sheehan awarding Nisa Naz Sevinc, European Young Ambassador winner

B. Sheehan awarding Emma A. Paveliuc, winner Peace Poster Contest

B. Sheehan awarding PDG Souad Hächler (with the wrong certificate)

B. Sheehan awarding S. Hächler and M. Vernier

B. Sheehan honoring Kelly Clements, Deputy High Commissioner UNHCR

B. Sheehan awarding PDG Radu Cristea

B. Sheenan awarding Philipp + Natalija Blobel