Lions European Music Competition - The Winner is...
With the European Music Competition, Lions plays an important role in supporting young musicians: For many participants, it is the first internationally held music competition in their musical career. After singing in 2022, the trombone was now on the program in the current year 2023.
Winner was Sophie Bright (picture) from Bern, supported by the LC Bern. As the youngest participant, she succeeded particularly well in breathing musical life into the demanding repertoire set at the European level. Sophie will represent our Multi District 102 in October at the European Forum in Klagenfurt, Austria. The 2nd prize went to Romain Nussbaumer from Olten, supported by LC Zug. Elias Schäfer from Meilen, supported by LC Herrliberg, received the 3rd prize. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the participants!
The jury was presided by Prof. Jan Schultsz from Basel. He was assisted by Prof. Anne Jelle Visser from the Zurich University of the Arts and the OC member Roger Duc, pianist, Institut Jurassien des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. The jury members had the difficult task of selecting the best musical performances after the intensive preliminary round in the morning and the final in the afternoon.
The excellent location and infrastructure as well as the excellent organization and moderation by the Music Delegate of the District East, IPDG Andreas Wunderlin, made this day a lasting joyful experience for all participants.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the success of this wonderful event for the benefit of young musicians! In 2024, the instrument of the music competition will be the clarinet.
Benno Widmer, Delegate Music, Multi District 102 & D 102C

right to left: Egon Steiner CC, Andreas Wunderlin IPDG, Roger Duc, jury member, Sophie Bright, winner 1st prize, Anne Jelle Vissser, jury member, Jan Schlutsz, jury chairman and Romain Nussbaumer, winner 2nd prize