Lions help and act sustainably
Lions Clubs International (LCI) was one of the first global service organizations to address environmental and sustainability issues.
LCI's "Declaration of Principles on the Human Environment" in October 1972 was a significant milestone in global environmental policy: "Preserving natural resources and improving the quality of life are goals that must be championed by dedicated people worldwide. Lions Clubs International is one such international organization that joins the effort to preserve and improve the human environment for the benefit of present mankind and future generations."
The trigger and motivation for Lions' action in environmental and climate protection has been, and continues to be, the alarming state of the natural foundations of life in all areas of the earth. The conservation of natural, non-renewable resources, keeping air, water and soil clean, preserving biodiversity, climate protection, comprehensive waste management and the development of nature-based recreational opportunities remain one of our greatest challenges globally, regionally and locally.
Now a Swiss delegation has signed a MoU, Memorandum of Understanding, at the European Council closing session. With this MoU, a group for environment and sustainability in the Swiss Lions organization will work for the corresponding 17 goals.
The issues of the environment and sustainability are closely linked to Lions' humanitarian efforts, as they shape the well-being of people around the world. The environment is a priority component in the global fight against poverty and one of the main focal points of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated by the UN and the detailed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on them.
The federal link below leads to the 17 goals and the corresponding declarations:
17 Sustainable Development Goals (
Seen in the photo: The signing members of the Swiss delegation with PDG Dr. Karin Engelmann, Head Office Lions Switzerland, DG Dominik Guler, DG Christoph Buser and DG Georges Torti.