Lions National Convention Geneva 12 - 13 May 2023
Dear Lions
For 75 years now, Lions in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein have put their heart and soul and tireless commitment into our great organization. It is therefore a special honor for me as Council Chairperson of MD 102 to invite you to this Anniversary Delegates Assembly here in Geneva at the birthplace of the Lions movement in Switzerland. The Geneva Lions Club, as one of the oldest clubs, helped found Lionism in Europe in 1948.
For this anniversary convention, the Geneva LC has spared no effort to offer you a unique program for an unforgettable convention. With the " Rose du CICR® " and the partnership with the ICRC, the club has also succeeded in creating a great activity.
On the one hand, a National Convention offers participants the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people, to make new friends or to deepen existing ones. On the other hand, the delegate assemblies of the districts and the multiple district are also the place where the course for the future of our organization is set.
are set.
I therefore invite you to immerse yourself in the Lions world, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Lions movement in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, and at the same time to help shape our future.
With the warmest Lions greetings
CC Egon Steiner
Council Chairperson MD 102 2022/2023