Interim report Ukraine Aid - fundraising campaign of MD102
Within a few weeks, the Switzerland-Liechtenstein donations totaled almost 600,000 Swiss francs. A working group was formed to coordinate the use of the donations here, which were used for various projects. Here is the interim report of the working group:
105 Lions clubs from all districts donated CHF 434,000, with another CHF 133,000 coming from individual Lions members, for a total donation of CHF 567,000.
From the open donation budget of CHF 100,000 for Ukrainian families who have found accommodation with Lions members, CHF 58,000 has already been disbursed as emergency aid of CHF 1,000 per family to date, including donations for special activities. Applications can be made by the Lions families using this form (please also note the leaflet).
In March 2022, CHF 26,000 was transferred directly to the Polish Multiple District to support the Lions helping on the border with Ukraine. In April, CHF 100,000 was transferred to LCIF for immediate relief efforts.
In June 2022, the Lions Club Stockhorn organized an activity for Ukrainian families and received an amount of CHF 5'000 as support to the big action.
At the Governors meeting in Egerkingen, the project VFUA of a Swiss in the Czech Republic was presented and the project living container found unanimous approval. The first order of 3 living containers for families worth CHF 30'000 was placed in October. The report with photos can be found in a separate news.
The donation of CHF 100,000 pledged at the Basel National Convention to LCIF for the benefit of MD121 Poland's relief projects for their relief projects in Ukraine was transferred to LCIF on January 17, 2023. LCIF will soon confirm which projects will be funded.
After these triggered donations and promises to pay, approximately CHF 215,000 remain in the donation pot.
The working group states that donations to projects are made with great caution and after thorough examination and also after clarification with our FLC Foundation. Many European Lions clubs start and carry out aid projects. MD102 with LCIF is able to support good and safe projects and thus also increase and strengthen the confidence in our movement.
Also at this point a heartfelt thank you to all Lions Switzerland - Liechtenstein for the generous donations.